
Louisiana has long been the leader in producing great preachers, missionaries, evangelists, and pastors.

Thousands of ministers have come from Louisiana Apostolic pews. The Louisiana District has produced incredible Spirit-filled revival churches and incomparable conferences and camp meetings that have been the catalyst for countless ministries. We are blessed because we have kept God’s Mission at the very heart of everything we do.

The apostles talked very little about their individual roles in the Kingdom, but adamantly proclaimed the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

In Galatians 1, Paul said God had purposed, before Paul was even born, that Paul should be a voice to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. Paul understood his purpose and dedicated his entire life in pursuit of that singular Christ-given goal: save the lost.

It is our MISSION which brings us together. And it is our MISSION which produces such power when we come together.

There is no higher purpose in our lives than to be a light to those who have not experienced the redeeming power of Jesus Christ!

Jesus often stated His Purpose
I have come to seek and to save that which was lost.

When we face important decisions, we need to ask ourselves...
Will this help us see more souls saved?


New Boys’ Dorm $2.5 million


New Tabernacle $9 million


Remodel 0ld Tabernacle (TBD)

◊ We are approaching these projects on a cash basis from funds raised by our campaign commitments.

◊ These are the estimated construction budgets for each building phase:


◊  The funds going toward each project will be raised prior to each construction phase.

◊  Project expenses will NOT be a part of our operating budget.




“If I have seen further than others,
it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

-Sir Isaac Newton